Have you ever thought about how the words you use to describe your home might say something about how you feel when you're there? It turns out, the way we talk about our living spaces can reveal whether we find our home relaxing or stressful.

What You See Might Be Stressing You Out
In a study involving 60 couples by the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, researchers asked participants to give a self-guided tour of their homes while describing what they saw.
They found that women who described their homes with more "stressful home" words had less healthy cortisol patterns, which are associated with poor health outcomes.
These women also felt more depressed as the day went on. On the other hand, women who used more "restorative home" words had healthier cortisol patterns and felt less depressed throughout the day.
Change Your Environment
A cluttered or unfinished space might be contributing to your stress, while a home that feels restful and connected to nature could help you feel more relaxed and happier.
In other words, if you find yourself describing your home as chaotic or unfinished, it might be worth considering how that environment is impacting your mood and stress levels. Creating a space that feels more organized, calming, and connected to nature could make a big difference in how you feel day-to-day.